Definition :– acute (self-limiting) inflammation of the bronchi due to infection of the bronchial tree
- Persistent coughing;
- Signs and symptoms of infection (fever, malaise, loss of appetite, fatigue, increased number of white blood cells in blood);
- It can last from 10 days to a few weeks
- Acute infection of the bronchi (bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori or viruses)
- Acute irritation of the bronchi
(dust, fumes from strong acids, ammonia, chlorine, air pollution and tobacco smoke)
Lifestyle Recommendations
- Include garlic and onions in diet – contain Quercetin and mustard oils which inhibit lipoxygenase, an enzyme that aids in releasing an inflammatory chemical in the body; garlic is also a natural antibiotic
- Drink plenty of fluids (pure water, herbal teas and soups)
- Avoid mucous-forming foods (dairy, processed foods, sugar, sweet fruits, white flour); also gas-producing foods (beans, cabbage, cauliflower, etc)
- Avoid cigarette smoke – irritates air passages
- Humidify air and keep environment clean
- Do not use cough suppressants or swallow mucous
Supplement Recommendations
- Colloidal silver (as per label, 1 week on, 1 week off, until relief) – natural antibiotic that destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi and promotes healing
- Pycnogenol – removes dangerous substances and protects lungs; powerful antioxidant
- Quercetin_C (500 mg 3x daily) – for allergic bronchitis – has an antihistaminic affect
- Vitamin A (20 000 IU daily for 1 month, then 15 000 IU daily; max 0 000 IU daily if pregnant) – healing and tissue protection, plus natural beta-carotene (50 000 IU daily) or carotenoids complex – protection and repair of lung tissue
- Vitamin C with bioflavanoids (including rutin) (3 000-10 000 mg daily, in divided doses) – enhances immunity and reduces histamine levels (use buffered powder form)
Herbs –
- Inhalations of garlic fumes (created by pouring boiling water over chopped garlic and producing steam, which is inhaled) can be used to treat all lung ailments, including bronchitis
- An infusion of nasturtium can be made by steeping a quarter cup of fresh leaves in a cup of boiling water for five minutes. Strain and drink a sherry glass two or three times a day to relieve chronic bronchitis
- Onions contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E, giving them antibiotic properties; they are useful in treating bronchitis
- Borage leaf tea can be drunk to relieve bronchitis